Monday, March 26, 2007
Ah Color
However, let me tell you that when you see it on the can become a monster. The Chestertown Buff (thank you Benjamin Moore), is not one of them. It blends beautifully with the rock at the fireplace, brings out the beautiful wood tones in the knotty alder (thank you Ginny Hubbard) and is warm and inviting.
However, the blue in the master was well, dark, even a light would make it hard to really enjoy, unless it was for the Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. Cydney's room fought between a mellow yellow and a toasty yellow...toast won - when the granite arrived!
Now the current the next picture!
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Monday, March 05, 2007
Tiles with Style
One detail has arrived and ready to go. Five tiles designed by Derby Pottery of New Orleans. When Bill and I went to New Orleans for our anniversary, we were still pulling magazine pictures together. We met Mark at his shop on Magazine Street. That was 6 months before Hurricane Katrina! We feared for the folks at Derby and wondered if we'd ever be able to have them make this special element for our home.
Well, let the picture be the answer. Like the beautiful Tribune Tower in Chicago, we will have these tiles scattered throughout the kitchen, mixed in with the regular tiles that will line the backsplashes. The next time you see this touch of New Orleans, they'll be a page in our home history...there for all to enjoy.
But, there is more to come from the beautiful city of New Orleans....still to come!