Saturday, January 27, 2007

Lake Whattheheck

With current reservations, you can enjoy beautiful Lake Whattheheck built courtesy of 6-9 inches of rain in 10 days. To Bill -- this is heavan's way of saying, "You guys need a jacuzzi!"

Per Cydney's Request

Cydney says, show the outside. So, here's another view. Soon this patio will be welcoming all of our friends.

Yes, reservations are being taken now!

Remember this view

This will be the last time we could play hockey in the kitchen. Next stop...cabinets and trim. The pipe to the right will be the sink and bar area, the pipe to the left will be the island.

All the holes in the ceiling? Looks like the lunar surface today, but will soon shed new light on this whole project!

Floors...we've got floors!

Well, at least for a day or two.

From what will someday be the front door, it is nice to see walls, floors, a column not wrapped in plastic.

Soon there will be trim. Amazing what makes one so happy these see trim!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Those darn details

From texture to now...grout. Geez, what fun! Where the white dust is, picking a grout (in the long line dividing the light cement from the darker boarder, is several pieces of grout. Finding one that doesn't the challenge. On the other hand, finding one that doesn't say....NOTHING HERE...would have made the scoring, well, a big ZERO.

Come on In!

Welcome and come on in! From the dining room, where raccoons have dined, feel free to pull up a stump and eat your snacks.

By this weekend, or so the builders say, the floor boards come up so they can put down the grout and get the place ready for the next phase...the trim!

The Den

Now, we are current. This is the view from the kitchen to the den. To the right is the Cydney Sutton Wing. Reservations will be accepted soon!


Now, this is getting picky. Texture is one thing you'd think wouldn't be noticed. And, thanks to my dear friend Ginny, the Queen of all things related to walls....she was right. Texture is our friend.

While it is hard to really see the importance here. The top picture is generally what builders like to do...spray on texture and scrape it (if you insist) to sort of create an orange peel look.

The Living Room, Dining Room, Kitchen and Den got a special trowel look, pretty hard to see, but when you are standing there, boy the difference is notable.

Thanks Ginny!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Welcome to the update of SIS Ranch

The last time we saw the sun! But, the beginning to a wonderful update!!

While we were out....

While we didn't update for awhile the "boys" put in a special insulation that is environmentally friendly and energy efficient.

The fireplace in the den is to the right and is really just going to be used for those evenings you want a fire for fun...basically all year here!

Enjoy the Lake!

I've always said I missed the Lake in Chicago. But, I never expected to have one right out my back door. I wish I could say Bill created a lake for us to enjoy, however, this is not a lake we want. But, rather a lake we get with 6+ inches of rain.

But, you can enjoy the beautiful reflection of the backyard rock and roof in the meantime. If ducks land here I've had it! No animal may move in before me! Just past the "lake" is The Ritz where our bevy of young girl does live. It will be wonderful to sit out there in the evening and enjoy their antics - which currently include running to stay warm.


While it has been awhile since we've updated...Dec. 7 to be exact, we have not finished and moved in! In fact, we like to stand in front of our fireplace these days and hope that there will be other cold days to actually enjoy this state-of-the-art fireplace/house heating system we installed.

A week in sub-freezing temps means no work. A week in those same temps means another year we will not enjoy a cozy fireside evening!