Friday, September 29, 2006

Now, that's dedication

While it poured...the crew worked on. What dedication. At least until the lightening started, then it was enough of the dedication thing....time to do the salvation thing!

Ah Windows....someday

While you have to imagine the windows, it is beginning to take shape. There is now a view from the living room toward the kitchen and den and another toward the dining room and front door. It's getting there!

Time to Reflect

We wanted a unique home, the reflecting pool was not part of that. But, we now know that should the washer EVER overflow, it WILL NOT come in the kitchen or pantry. A test we didn't plan, but a nice way to get some piece of mind!

So, we reflect on how much fun this all is. From dirt, to tiny tunnels for pipes, to cement trucks by the mile, to walls going up, it is beginning to take shape. If I forgot anything, it is officially too late to change now.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Baseball anyone?

It may look like a baseball diamond, but it is actually the scoring done on the cement. This is the corner of the living room...if anyone is wondering.


We have gone from this on Sept. 10 to the same view from the back today, Sept. 22. The guys at KPS are moving right along!

Taking Shape

A view of the Cydney Sutton wing!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Sun Rises...

And the house takes shape. Only 165 yards of cement and 16 cement trucks later.

Good MORNING Columbus!

While the world sleeps....they pour! Yes, that is the sun coming up and yes, I was there to see it!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

A View Through the Rain

There's no other way to enjoy this day. It is raining, the cement ain't pouring. Tomorrow, let's hope for tomorrow.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fire in the Fireplace?

Normally, a wet day like today I'd enjoy the opportunity for a rare fire in the fireplace...especially in Texas!

However, this is what my fireplace looks like.. or did a few days ago. It has improved. If you consider having the ground covered in pipes and plastic an improvement.

Ah, only a 1/2 day lost in the great building battle!

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Cydney's Bathroom

Cydney can now point out she has a bathroom of her own!

From This

Sept 1, ready for beams. Ready for who knows what....

Sept 10...we have plumbing...of sorts. I wouldn't try to flush anything if I were you!

One Month Later...

The dirt was moved, the piers were in, the forms are up. Yet, it still looks like a giant ant hill. I'm guessing from all this dirt moving they will someday see a house take shape.

About Time!!

They say it will all begin.....any day now! Well, it finally did. This was taken July 8 when we thought it was starting within days......